Rosalie’s shop and coffee adventure at Hunters Creek Care Home

17 November 2023

Rosalie’s shop and coffee adventure at Hunters Creek Care Home

Once again, the enchanting wishing fairies at Hunters Creek Care Home sprinkled their magic, turning a resident’s heartfelt wish into a reality. Behind this magical endeavor is the dedicated Lifestyle team, investing precious one-on-one time with each resident to unveil their one true wish.

This week, the spotlight shone on the lovely Rosalie, whose wish was a simple yet deeply meaningful one – a trip to the shops followed by a cozy coffee in a cafe. With Rosalie’s dream in mind, the wishing fairies, in collaboration with the ever-accommodating Tiney, set their plans into motion to make it happen.

Tiney and Rosalie set out nice and early, embarking on a shopping escapade that held the promise of joy and connection. The aisles of the shops became a playground for exploration, with Rosalie reveling in the simple pleasure of perusing through the treasures on display.

The adventure took a delightful pause as Tiney and Rosalie stopped for a coffee and slice of cake. Rosalie, savoring her coffee, soaked in the warmth of the moment, creating memories that would linger long after the cups were empty.

Already, the duo is eagerly planning their next shopping spree, a testament to the enduring joy and anticipation that simple yet meaningful experiences can bring. At Hunters Creek Care Home, the wishing fairies continue to weave their magic, ensuring that residents like Rosalie not only receive care but also have their dreams fulfilled, one wish at a time.

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