Richard House residents host visit from Author Helen Golden

4 April 2024

Richard House residents host visit from Author Helen Golden

Richard House had the pleasure of hosting Author Helen Golden, renowned for her witty whodunnits. Helen graced our home to present her latest collection of mysteries for our residents to enjoy.

During her visit, Helen engaged in lively conversations about her books and eagerly listened as residents shared their reading preferences. Some expressed a fondness for romance, while others favoured the intrigue of murder mysteries.

As the discussions flowed, Helen also took the opportunity to learn more about the residents’ daily lives at Richard House. To her surprise, she discovered a remarkable connection—she was born in the same hospital and attended school in King’s Lynn, just like one of our residents. Reflecting on this coincidence, Helen remarked, “What a small world we live in!”

Helen thoroughly enjoyed her time at Richard House, and we eagerly anticipate delving into her captivating novels. We extend a warm invitation for her next visit, eagerly anticipating more enriching conversations and literary delights.

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