Mask creation at Avocet House

7 July 2023

Mask creation at Avocet House

This week at Avocet we decided to bring out our residents’ creative sides, by asking them to create and decorate masks of themselves to reflect how they are finding their journey at Avocet House Care Home.


Whilst decorating their masks we went round and asked our residents how they felt and why they were choosing to decorate with certain colours or using different materials.


One resident said ”I used bright colours in my mask because it feels like I’m on holiday here.”


Another resident said ” I wanted my mask to reflect happiness, everyone here makes me smile and I appreciate what they do.”


Our lovely residents had so much fun that they wanted to wear their masks to show everyone what they had created.


Lifestyle Coordinator Vick commented, ‘We had so much fun making them, we are very much looking forward to more paper mache crafting sessions!’

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